Intended for Healthcare Professionals

Customized Osteotomy Surgical Guides

Complex deformities in the patient’s femoral or tibial bone would make osteotomy surgery more and more difficult. Using a 3D-printed customized guide would give better surgery results to the surgeon and the patient.

In addition, it should be mentioned that when it comes to complex deformities and osteotomies customized osteotomy guides would be a certain option to obtain desired results.

Product Overview

Product Overview

Complex deformities of the bone, uncommon osteotomies, and bone defects would be an issue for the physician. Customized Surgical Guides will address these problematic surgeries.

These guides are manufactured using 3D printing technology to help physicians by providing precise cutting planes and accurate angle for osteotomy surgery. These guides are designed based on the patient’s 3D bone model and pre-planning surgical method which leads to an optimized surgical outcome and reduced stress for the surgeon as the surgical method and outcome have previously been planned.


Step 1


CT scan and X-ray imaging are acquired to create an accurate 3D model of the patient's lower extremity, and identify the complexity of the bone.

Step 2


Clinical engineers design several pre-plannings in order to obtain the best surgical method for the patient.

Step 3

Guide Design

Upon physician approval, the surgical guide will be designed by several biomechanical software. The guide is designed based on the patient’s deformity and the physician’s desired surgical method and is manufactured using 3D printing technology.

Step 4


The sterilized guide is delivered to the physician or the hospital and would be used on the bone at the surgery.


Surgeons can collaborate with the engineering team to design the surgical guide based on their clinical assessment of the patient and the intended treatment plan.

Pre-planning provides various surgical methods and outcomes to the surgeon while providing more detailed information about patient’s limb as well. This gives the physician the option of choosing the best surgical method for the patient.

By giving the cutting planes and correction angle, customized guides reduce the surgical time which could be counted as an advantage for both the surgeon and the patient.

As well as reducing surgical time, customized guides provide higher precision due to their “patient’s 3D bone modeling” design.


Surgeons can collaborate with the engineering team to design the surgical guide based on their clinical assessment of the patient and the intended treatment plan.


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Cases report

Cases report

Our case reports highlight successful outcomes achieved through our custom-made implants. They showcase the effectiveness of our treatment plans and the expertise of our team in creating tailored solutions for each patient.

By reviewing these reports, you can gain a better understanding of the level of care and precision that we bring to every aspect of our work with patient specific implants.